Our 2021 Charity

We set ourselves some guidelines for the choice of the MAD Melbourne charity partner for 2020.

Find a local charity, ideally Melbourne based, with a cause that truly resonates with all of our committee members and choose a charity who we feel can really “Make A Difference” with the money we raise on their behalf.

There are so many worthy charities and causes that it’s not an easy decision to make so our goal is to raise money for a NEW charity every year.

In 2019 we selected St Kilda Mum's and we’re so proud to announce that our charity partner for 2021 is Backpacks 4 VIC Kids.

All of the money we raise at the 2021 Oaks Day Luncheon will go to B4VK and this year’s target is $10,000. Check out their website if you want to find out more about this amazing charity.


Volunteer Day