2019 Charity Event

In 2019, we raised over $7,000 for St Kilda Mums at our annual Oaks Day Luncheon at Encore, St Kilda

Encore St Kilda, beachfront venue

Encore St Kilda, beachfront venue

Thursday 7 November 2019

2019 was a fabulous day celebrating our very first Ladies Oaks Day Luncheon. Ticket price included welcome canapés, a delicious two course lunch with sparkling, red and white wine at Encore, St Kilda.  

Lucky door prize: Maserati for a weekend and a lunch for two people at Zonzo Estate in the Yarra Valley.

Ladies came dressed in their race day best and enjoyed raffles and an auction. Together we raised $7,416.50 that went to St Kilda Mums
